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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Nisi

Your Comprehensive Guide to Control4

Home automation is a big decision, so when it comes time to make it, you should go with the best. Although there are multiple options, only a few provide the ultimate quality and even fewer have the experience to match.

Here at the NISI Group we specialise in installation of the Control 4 smart home systems and in this blog we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to Control4, so you can make the smarter choice.

What is Control4

Put simply Control4 is a provider of smart home and office systems. This means both a complete system for the entire house, or tailored options for specific rooms. They offer personalised and unified systems that automate and control your home or office. They are now available in over 100 countries, run over 450,000 homes and have more than 15 million connected devices, and are arguably one of the worlds most prominent home automation solutions.

Benefits of Control4

Control4 has a fantastic 4.5 star rating by Top Ten Reviews. They are known for being reliable, flexible and efficient. As certified installers of Control4 we know that clients are satisfied with the streamlined process, customisable options and high-quality technology. When it comes to smart home installation there are really no better options.

Who is Control4 for?

The short answer is; everyone! Because of the flexible and fully customisable options, Control4 is perfect for those who want their whole house automated, down to the last light, or those who are just after an individual room or service. Any person looking to make the automation investment, is going to be after quality and Control4 provides that and more. It really is the best tailored solution for all scenarios.

How do you get Control4?

Whether you are already convinced about taking the next step with Control4 or want to learn even more about the services available. The best way to move forward is to contact us directly. Control4 systems should be curated and installed by licensed professionals and our team are experts that will work with you to find the ultimate solution to whatever your needs are.

If you are not sure about whether a smart home system is for you, we can help you understand more about the various options. We work with you to create a custom solution whether you are after an entire home revamp, or just a specific room.

For more information about Control4, smart homes or automation in general, contact us today at 03 9071 2400 and our amazing team will provide you with the best care around.

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